Christians blaze through this dark world
and set it on fire with their love.
It is contagious and spreads like wildfire.
We are people who shine,
who burn up the darkness of this old world
with the light that dwells within us.

We are not just called to be candles.
We are called to be fire.
We are to be fire,
to weave our lives together so that
the Spirit's inferno of love spreads
across the earth.

onsdag 10 februari 2010

Medlemsmöte och Semlor!

Den 16 februari är det dags för nästa medlemsmöte! Det går av stapeln kl. 18 hos Madde och det blir semmelfest! Mer info finns i mail som skickats ut till alla på maillistan!

/Anna Rödström - ordförande

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