Christians blaze through this dark world
and set it on fire with their love.
It is contagious and spreads like wildfire.
We are people who shine,
who burn up the darkness of this old world
with the light that dwells within us.

We are not just called to be candles.
We are called to be fire.
We are to be fire,
to weave our lives together so that
the Spirit's inferno of love spreads
across the earth.

måndag 30 augusti 2010

Alla nya studenter! For english see below..

Hej alla nya studenter!
Kanske vi träffades på Campus idag och ni fick lite gott kaffe och en bulle! Hoppas att ni fått en go start på ert nya läsår här!

Lite info om vad som händer i veckan;
Imorgon tis, kommer vi att finnas på skolan igen och bjussa på lite gott!

På onsdag kl.12 kör vi lunchbön i bussen på Campus! En chans att träffa folket i föreningen och se lite nya ansikten!

På onsdag kväll kl. 18 är det internationell gudstjänst i Immanuelskyrkan så vi träffas ungefär 17.40 vid den stora klockan mitt på Campus om ni vill ha hjälp att hitta dit! Efter bjuds det på fika även där!

Varmt välkomna!

Hi to all you new students!
Maybe we met you on Campus today and you got to try some of our good coffe and cinnamonbuns! Hope you've had a great start to your new year here!

Here's some information about what's happening this week!
Tomorrow, tuesday, we'll be back at Campus giving out some coffe and cookies!

On wednesday we're gonna have a lunchprayer in the bus at 12 o'clock!
And on wednesday evening at 6pm there's the international service at Immanuelschurch!
For those of you who want company on your way there, we're meeting up by the big clock in Campus at 20 to 6.


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