Christians blaze through this dark world
and set it on fire with their love.
It is contagious and spreads like wildfire.
We are people who shine,
who burn up the darkness of this old world
with the light that dwells within us.

We are not just called to be candles.
We are called to be fire.
We are to be fire,
to weave our lives together so that
the Spirit's inferno of love spreads
across the earth.

måndag 4 oktober 2010

Medlemsmöte! Membershipmeeting!

Grattis på kanelbullens dag allihop!

Nu på torsdag är det dags för medlemsmöte med Fire! Vi träffas på övervåningen i Elimkyrkan kl. 19 och det kommer bjudas på mackor och fika för en guldpeng igen! :)
Om ni inte betalat medlemsavgiften, ta gärna med 75 kr för det eller skicka in det via internet så småningom!

Det är fortfarande ingen lunchbön tyvärr.

Hoppas ni alla får en välsignad vecka!

Happy cinnamonbun's day everyone!

Now on Thursday it's time for a membershipmeeting with Fire! We'll meet upstairs in the Elimchurch at 7 pm and there will be sandwiches and fika for 10 kr again! :)
If you haven't payed your membership, please bring 75 kr or just send it in through the internet eventually!

There's still no lunchprayer I'm afraid.

Hope you all have a blessed week!

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