Christians blaze through this dark world
and set it on fire with their love.
It is contagious and spreads like wildfire.
We are people who shine,
who burn up the darkness of this old world
with the light that dwells within us.

We are not just called to be candles.
We are called to be fire.
We are to be fire,
to weave our lives together so that
the Spirit's inferno of love spreads
across the earth.

fredag 28 september 2012

Reclaim 28/9

Ikväll är det dags för Reclaim, ungdomsmöte i Pingstkyrkan i Skövde!
Mötet börjar klockan 19.00 och Fire samlas utanför turistbyrån vid Sandtorget kl 18.45 och går dit tillsammans.
Ta med lite pengar, för efteråt blir det café med supersmarrigt fika!
Ses snart!

Tonight is the night of Reclaim, youth meeting in Pingst Church in Skövde!
The meeting starts at 19.00 and Fire will gather outside the tourist bureau by Sandtorget at 18.45 and walk there together.
Bring some money, because afterwards they will open the café downstairs and it is legen... wait for it ... dairy!

See you soon!


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